/// From the Editor's Desk                        "Saying it like it is!"

                          » SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMNT «

The Amiga Report Internet Mailing List is no longer accepting requests for
additions, deletions or changes.  The individual managing the list is no
longer able to continue this task.  The Amiga-Report-Request address has
been disabled, so any mail sent there will be bounced back.  The actual
list is still active as it stands, and will be for another week or two.

We are in the process of converting the list over to another system, and
hope to have the move completed in a few weeks, hopefully sooner.  In the
meantime, if you are not on the mailing list, I suggest you try to get AR
from either a major online service, or from one of the many offical AR
Distribution Sites.  That list continues to grow, as we've added four more
sites since last week!  Thank you for your patience.

And now, back to our regularly-schedule editorial...

Have you ever wanted to see your name in writing?  Are you technically
inclined, or good at writing reviews?  We're looking for some writers
to do original pieces.  Naturally, since we're a free magazine, we have
no budget in which to pay people.  The only thing we can offer is the
good feeling you'll get by knowing you're helping the Amiga Community!

We're interested in all kinds of articles... reviews, programming
instruction, helpful hints and tricks (remember the DOA Amiga Tip of the
Week?  We ran out of ideas).

If you have anything you care to contribute, we're more than happy to take
a look!  Please send submissions to Rob-G@cup.portal.com.  Thanks!

                                 Rob @ AR

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